Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Old Posts - Old Kits

I never deleted the original uploads from the other blog.  If there is something that you need... let me know and I am sure that I can put it up here for you rather easily!  I will over time probably repost some of my favorites.  But I don't want anyone to think that I am not willing to repost the oldies and goodies!!!

Have a great day!


  1. I'm glad to have "refound" you. Missed your wonderful work. So gladd to have you back on my "regulars" list. Your generiousity is so greatly appreciated. Thanks for all your past post. I'm sure new viewers will find your site as inspiring as the old members have. Kaaren

  2. Hey, I love you kits. I remember you having some color specific kits and wondering if you would be able to repost them? :)

